Email: [email protected] Tel: 0755-23209511
Bird damage to grapes and tender fruit (mainly sweet cherries and cultivated blueberries) is a serious problem for many growers. Unchecked, birds can completely destroy an entire crop. A flock of 5,000 starlings can consume up to 1 ton of food over a 10 day period, and blackbirds were blamed for an estimated loss of 15 million tons of food worldwide in 1968. This is enough to feed 90 million people.
Bird damage is increasing because there is a better tasting dinner available to them than before, and there is more of it. That is, sweeter grape varieties are being planted and the total acreage is increasing. Early season sweet cherry varieties are being planted to take advantage of early market prices, and hungry birds find them quickly. In the past, vineyards, fields and orchards were smaller and intermixed with other crops, but today, they are much larger. Large flocks of birds can all feast together without having to constantly forage. Finally, bird populations are increasing, and there have been changes to migration patterns due to climatic changes.
BCL(Birdcontrollaser) has been focusing on laser bird repellents solutions since 2013. It contains two solutions. One is intelligent laser bird repellents system, it can work 7x24 in outdoor places. Another is portable laser bird device with battery. Our laser bird deterrents can reduce bird presence greatly, making your grapes safer and more sustainable.
Key Words:
grapes, laser bird deterrents, intelligent laser bird repellents system, portable laser bird device
Contact: Mr.Xie
Phone: 15361844992
Tel: 0755-23209511
Email: [email protected]
Add: 12th Floor, Blog 2,No.2 Qingqinq Road,Longhua, Shenzhen,China